An Old Mapping Project Renewed
The Historic Resource Survey was conducted in the 1980s and resulted in a set of maps, photos, and detailed documentation of the location of historic resources such as buildings, structures, landscapes, and objects. Compiled by Stephanie Mauri from the Dutchess County Historical Society, John Clarke from the Dutchess County Department of Planning and Development, and other architectural historians, they were the product of a comprehensive field survey of almost every road in the County.
Voluminous in detail, quaint in description, and beautifully colored, they included many subjective notes about the structures and natural features observed. In addition, an extensive architectural inventory accompanies the included photographs and formal descriptions of each resource.
Note that each municipality differs slightly as they were completed separately, over the course of several years and with the assistance of different historians, then digitally stitched together. The following is general guidance. A few municipalities had previously conducted their own historic surveys and so were omitted from this effort. Where NYS Inventory Forms were available from those separate studies, the sites are included. Where they were not, the municipality is blank.
Interactive Points
Map Notations
Building Highlights
Red: The building/site is clearly National Register eligible and may already be on the Register.
Green: The building/site is old enough to be on the National Register and has general historic integrity. The best examples have a number and a NYS Inventory Form, but others could be part of a potential historic district. Green is also used to denote broader historic or scenic landscapes potentially worthy of protection.
Yellow: The building/site is old enough to be on the National Register, but is architecturally compromised with dominant later additions, loss of historic details, vinyl siding, and other disqualifying factors.
Blue: The building/site was not old enough at the time of the survey to be considered for the National Register.
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